Terms and Conditions for the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance (USARA) Card
A "participant" in the Utah Search and Rescue Assistance (USARA) program is as defined in UCA § 53-2a-1102 (1)(c). The term "cardholder" is a synonym for a "participant" in the USARA program The USARA "card" refers to an electronic or printed proof of purchase in order to participate in the USARA program as described in UCA § 53-2a-1102.
If you have a valid USARA card and are in need of rescue, the county with jurisdiction will be eligible to apply to the Utah Search and Rescue Board for reimbursement of the non-medical expenses incurred for your rescue. While you possess a current USARA card, you will not be billed for the costs of your rescue incurred by the Search and Rescue team, unless you have been deemed by the sheriff of the county in which the rescue occurred to be reckless or to have intentionally caused the search and rescue situation. The USARA card fund is only used to reimburse the Search and Rescue teams that participate in search and rescue efforts, and is not used to reimburse individuals for any costs associated with a search or rescue.
Please note that the USARA card is not insurance and the program participant or individual being rescued is solely responsible for all health care and medical costs associated with a search and rescue. The USARA card does not pay for medical transport. Medical transport includes helicopter (life) flights or ground ambulance to medical facilities. The USARA program participant is solely responsible for determining their other insurance or coverage, if any, and is solely responsible for any costs incurred beyond what is covered by the USARA fund.
The benefits of participation in the program shall begin on the date the payment is accepted and shall not be retroactive. The benefits shall cease after midnight on the same date one year after the date payment is accepted. Any rescue that commences while the card is in effect shall receive full participant benefits even if the card expires while the rescue is still being conducted.
If the program participant purchases a USARA card on behalf of his or her family, the card will apply to the participant, his or her spouse and children as prescribed by the USARA card administrative rules. It does not cover dogs and other domestic animals that may be in need of rescue. The cardholder will be responsible for finding assistance to rescue their injured animal(s).
The participant does not have to physically possess the card at the rescue scene, but should keep a receipt, either a printed or electronic in case proof of card ownership is in dispute; the participant is solely responsible to provide proof of card ownership.