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Continuing Education Courses

Course #22811 - Utah Economic Forecast

Course Expiration: December 6, 2026
Course Type: Contractor
Professional Credit Hours: 1.0
HVAC Specific: No
Energy Specific: No
Course Name:Utah Economic Forecast
Course Outline & Objectives:Join one of Utah's leading economists to hear the most current report on where the State is headed in the coming year: Why is Utah a high-growth state? What is the future for residential and non-residential construction? What is the outlook for Utah in the future
Course Schedule Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Miller Free Enterprise Center (Karen G. Miller Conference Center (KGMC), 9750 S. 300 W., Sandy, UT 84070 11:30 - 1:00
Calendar Events
Date: 01/14/2025 Location: Salt Lake
Keywords: construction concreteaciamerican concrete institutecontractor
Location(s): Salt Lake
Teaching Method: Live
Company Name: Utah Department of Transportation
Phone: 801-633-6262
Address: 4501 South 2700 West
City: Salt Lake City
State: UT
Postal Code: 84114
Email Address:
The Course Provider is: a state or federal agency
Signup Link:
Instructor First Name: James
Instructor Last Name: Wood
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: James Wood.pdf
Instructor First Name: James
Instructor Last Name: Wood
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: James Wood.pdf
Instructor First Name: James
Instructor Last Name: Wood
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: James Wood.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dejan
Instructor Last Name: Eskic
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Dejan Eskic.pdf

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