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Utah Homeowner Associations Registration

Unit Owner Responsibilities under an HOA

As with rights, understanding your responsibilities under an HOA or COA begins with reviewing the association's governing documents. As noted above, governing documents include the declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (commonly known as CC&Rs), articles of incorporation, bylaws, and rules of the association. All owners within an HOA or COA are required to reasonably comply with their governing documents. Utah Code §§ 57-8a-212.5, 57-8-8.This means that if your association has a rule, you may have to pay fees or face other legal consequences if you do not abide by the rule. Most of your responsibilities will be found within the association's governing documents rather than in the state code.

Owners are required to pay monthly and other assessments from the association on time. Utah Code §§ 57-8a-201, 57-8-44(1). Failure to pay fees and assessments as they become due may lead to a termination of utility service, access to and use of recreational facilities, a lien on the property or even a non-judicial foreclosure by the COA/HOA.