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Continuing Education Courses

Course #20739 - Basics of Occupational Health Hazards

Course Expiration: September 7, 2025
Course Type: Contractor
Core Credit Hours: 1.5
HVAC Specific: No
Energy Specific: No
Course Type: Electrician
Professional Credit Hours: 1.5
HVAC Specific: No
Energy Specific: No
NFPA-70E Specific: No
Course Type: Plumber
Professional Credit Hours: 1.5
Course Name:Basics of Occupational Health Hazards
Course Outline & Objectives:This course is designed to help managers understand the art and science of measuring for chemicals, dust, and noise as it applies to the modern workplace. Skills necessary for the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of various subtle workplace hazards will be discussed. Workplace exposure values will also be discussed as well as the basics of chemical toxicology.
Course Schedule 9/7/2023
Calendar Events
Date: 09/07/2023 Location: Salt Lake
Keywords: Occupational Health Hazards
Location(s): Salt Lake
Teaching Method: Live
Company Name: Workers Compensation Fund
Phone: 385-351-8103
Address: 100 W Towne Ridge Parkway
City: Sandy
State: UT
Postal Code: 84070
Email Address:
The Course Provider is: a commercial continuing education provider related to the construction trades
Signup Link:
Instructor First Name: Dave
Instructor Last Name: Richardson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: David Richardson resume 2010 03 06.pdf
Instructor First Name: Darren
Instructor Last Name: Spencer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: DarrenSpencerResume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Justus
Instructor Last Name: Swensen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: DOPL Resume- Justus.docx
Instructor First Name: Justin
Instructor Last Name: Thygerson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Justin-Thygerson-Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Matt
Instructor Last Name: Thygerson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Introductory Letter Template Matt.docx
Instructor First Name: Kelli
Instructor Last Name: Hamilton
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: KELLI_C_HAMILTON_resume.doc
Instructor First Name: Kathryn
Instructor Last Name: Clark
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kathryn Clark Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Art
Instructor Last Name: Westmoreland
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Resume - Arthur E Westmoreland.docx
Instructor First Name: Justin
Instructor Last Name: Donald
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Justin Donald Resume.doc
Instructor First Name: Elizabeth
Instructor Last Name: Schmidt
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Elizabeth
Instructor First Name: Justus
Instructor Last Name: Swensen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: DOPL Resume- Justus.docx
Instructor First Name: Katie
Instructor Last Name: Whited
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Professional resume .doc
Instructor First Name: Kelli
Instructor Last Name: Hamilton
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: KELLI_C_HAMILTON_resume.doc
Instructor First Name: Flint
Instructor Last Name: Belk
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Flint Belk Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marc
Instructor Last Name: Barksdale
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Marc Barksdale resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kathryn
Instructor Last Name: Clark
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kathryn Clark Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Danielle
Instructor Last Name: Denne
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Danielle Denne resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Richard
Instructor Last Name: Doty
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Richard Doty Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Love
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Doug Love.pdf
Instructor First Name: Bryan
Instructor Last Name: Olsen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: BRYANOlsenResume.pdf

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