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Continuing Education Courses

Course #23053 - Electrical Safety NFPA 70E

Course Expiration: March 13, 2027
Course Type: Electrician
Core Credit Hours: 8.0
HVAC Specific: No
Energy Specific: No
NFPA-70E Specific: Yes
Course Name:Electrical Safety NFPA 70E
Course Outline & Objectives:Low Voltage Qualified 8-Hour Course OVERVIEW This course provides a thorough knowledge of the recommended safe behaviors for those who work around electrical hazards. Attendees gain an understanding of the latest guidelines and regulations from NFPA 70E and OSHA. Electrical workers and safety professionals learn key practical information: best work practices in electrical safety and how to apply them in real-world situations. REFERENCES Current NFPA 70E Standard, OSHA Regulations (as applicable) MATERIALS e-Hazard Low Voltage Qualified Workbook, Current NFPA 70E Standard Times are approximate; exercise time and work practices can be adjusted to recover time; ?I Felt Comfortable? video can overlap completion of quiz Example: 8:00 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m. (9-hour session) 2 ? 10-minute breaks in a.m. 1 ? 30-minute lunch 2 ? 10-minute breaks in p.m. Example 8:00 :30 Introduction 1. Electrical Safety Facts/Risks :60 2. Electrical Related Regulations & Standards ? Applicable: NFPA 70E/OSHA ? How Standards Are Used ? Key Definitions/Issues ? NFPA 70E Video (:28 or :14 min option, adjust above accordingly) 9:30 :10 BREAK 9:40 :60 Electrical Hazards & Protection Strategies 3. Shock Hazards & Protection Strategies ? Types ? Understanding Shock ? Variables Impacting Hazard ? Protection Boundaries ? Voltage Rated Gloves and Other Shock PPE ? Rated Insulated Tools and Other Equipment 10:40 :10 BREAK 10:50 :70 4. Arc Flash Hazards & Protection Strategies ? Causes/Types ? Arc Blast ? Common Places ? Mitigating Hazard through Engineering Design and Work Methods ? Arc Flash Boundaries ? Practical Application 12:00 :30 LUNCH 12:30 :60 5. Arc Rated Personal Protective Equipment ? Overview ? Protecting Head, Hands and Feet ? PPE Programs: Categories, Levels, Systems ? Environmental Considerations ? PPE Guidelines and Maintenance :15 6. Job Planning ? Elements of Safety Planning ? Job Briefing ? Energized Electrical Work Permit :15 7. Risk Assessment ? Components of Assessment ? Methods: Tables or Incident Energy Calculations ? Labeling ? Steps to Determine PPE Required 2:00 :10 BREAK 2:10 :20 ? Exercise Example :45 ? Assessment Exercise (Work/Review) 3:15 :10 BREAK 3:25 :60 8. Safety Related Work Practices ? Defining ?Electrically Safe Work Condition? ? Identifying and Securing Boundaries ? Tools and Equipment ? Best Practices for Lock Out/Tag Out, Verifying De-energization and LV Grounding ? Situational Conditions (Overhead, Underground, etc.) ? Special Equipment ? Training ? Administrative Guidelines ? Recognizing Hazards and Poor Work Practices :35 ? ?I Felt Comfortable? (:20) ? Quiz/Evaluation/Questions
Course Schedule 12/14/2024 Prudhoe Bay, AK 1/20/2025 Dallas, TX
Calendar Events
Date: 03/17/2025 Location: N/A - Out of State
Date: 03/25/2025 Location: N/A - Distance Learning Course
Date: 04/01/2025 Location: N/A - Distance Learning Course
Date: 04/14/2025 Location: N/A - Distance Learning Course
Date: 05/19/2025 Location: N/A - Distance Learning Course
Date: 06/23/2025 Location: N/A - Distance Learning Course
Keywords: Electrical Safety, NFPA 70E, low voltage training
Location(s): N/A - Out of State N/A - Distance Learning Course
Teaching Method: Live
Company Name: e-Hazard
Phone: (502) 709-7235
Address: 3018 Eastpoint Parkway
City: Louisville
State: KY
Postal Code: 40223
Email Address:
The Course Provider is: a commercial continuing education provider related to the construction trades
Signup Link:
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Bernie
Instructor Last Name: Ruffenach
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bernie Ruffenach Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Clayton
Instructor Last Name: Abernathy
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Clayton Abernathy Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Wes
Instructor Last Name: Mozley
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Wes Mozley CV 090718.pdf
Instructor First Name: Steve
Instructor Last Name: Rasmussen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Steve Rasmussen CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Ben
Instructor Last Name: Browne
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ben Browne 021219.pdf
Instructor First Name: Clayton
Instructor Last Name: Abernathy
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Clayton Abernathy Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: Emory
Instructor Last Name: Benson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Emory Benson CV 071219.pdf
Instructor First Name: Ben
Instructor Last Name: Browne
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ben Browne 021219.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: William
Instructor Last Name: Huston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Huston, William.docx
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Wes
Instructor Last Name: Mozley
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Wes Mozley CV 090718.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Steve
Instructor Last Name: Rasmussen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Steve Rasmussen CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Bernie
Instructor Last Name: Ruffenach
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bernie Ruffenach Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Clayton
Instructor Last Name: Abernathy
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Clayton Abernathy Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: Emory
Instructor Last Name: Benson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Emory Benson CV 071219.pdf
Instructor First Name: Ben
Instructor Last Name: Browne
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ben Browne 021219.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: William
Instructor Last Name: Huston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Huston, William.docx
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dennis
Instructor Last Name: Kennedy
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dennis Kennedy CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Wes
Instructor Last Name: Mozley
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Wes Mozley CV 090718.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Steve
Instructor Last Name: Rasmussen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Steve Rasmussen CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Bernie
Instructor Last Name: Ruffenach
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bernie Ruffenach Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jonathan
Instructor Last Name: Morris
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: Morris, J CV e-Hazard.pdf
Instructor First Name: George
Instructor Last Name: Cole
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: George Cole CV.pdf
Instructor First Name: Trenton
Instructor Last Name: Judd
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Trenton Judd Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Mike
Instructor Last Name: Doherty
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Doherty-Mike-Cv-e-Hazard April 2021.pdf
Instructor First Name: Clayton
Instructor Last Name: Abernathy
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Clayton Abernathy Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: Emory
Instructor Last Name: Benson
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Emory Benson CV 071219.pdf
Instructor First Name: George
Instructor Last Name: Cole
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: George Cole CV.pdf
Instructor First Name: Mike
Instructor Last Name: Doherty
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Doherty-Mike-Cv-e-Hazard April 2021.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Robert "Bob"
Instructor Last Name: Fuhr
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Fuhr, Bob.docx
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Lee
Instructor Last Name: Hale
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Hale, Lee.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Elihu "Hugh"
Instructor Last Name: Hoagland
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Hoagland, Hugh.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: William
Instructor Last Name: Huston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Huston, William.docx
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Trenton
Instructor Last Name: Judd
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Trenton Judd Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jonathan
Instructor Last Name: Morris
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: Morris, J CV e-Hazard.pdf
Instructor First Name: Wes
Instructor Last Name: Mozley
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Wes Mozley CV 090718.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Steve
Instructor Last Name: Rasmussen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Steve Rasmussen CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Bernie
Instructor Last Name: Ruffenach
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bernie Ruffenach Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Patricia
Instructor Last Name: Stagno
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Patricia Stagno Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Gabriel
Instructor Last Name: Garcia
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Garcia Gabriel CV.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Barrus
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: SBarrus CV 2017.pdf
Instructor First Name: George
Instructor Last Name: Cole
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: George Cole CV.pdf
Instructor First Name: Mike
Instructor Last Name: Doherty
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Doherty-Mike-Cv-e-Hazard April 2021.pdf
Instructor First Name: Marcia
Instructor Last Name: Eblen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Marcia Eblen Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Gus
Instructor Last Name: Gantzer
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Gus Gantzer CV 2018 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Heath
Instructor Last Name: Garrison
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Heath Garrison CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Harpenau
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Harpenau CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Al
Instructor Last Name: Havens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Havens, Al.docx
Instructor First Name: Dan
Instructor Last Name: Hook
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Dan Hook Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Robert
Instructor Last Name: Huddleston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bob Huddleston Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: William
Instructor Last Name: Huston
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Huston, William.docx
Instructor First Name: Zarheer
Instructor Last Name: Jooma
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Zarheer Jooma 112816.pdf
Instructor First Name: Trenton
Instructor Last Name: Judd
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Trenton Judd Resume.pdf
Instructor First Name: Doug
Instructor Last Name: Lovette
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Lovette, Doug.docx
Instructor First Name: John
Instructor Last Name: Mason
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard John Mason 090916.pdf
Instructor First Name: A. Vincent
Instructor Last Name: May
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Vince May Curriculum Vitae 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jonathan
Instructor Last Name: Morris
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: Morris, J CV e-Hazard.pdf
Instructor First Name: Wes
Instructor Last Name: Mozley
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Wes Mozley CV 090718.pdf
Instructor First Name: John (JC)
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard JC Owens Curriculum Vitae.pdf
Instructor First Name: Kyle
Instructor Last Name: Owens
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: Kyle Owens Resume 2017 .pdf
Instructor First Name: Joe
Instructor Last Name: Rachford
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Joe Rachford .pdf
Instructor First Name: Steve
Instructor Last Name: Rasmussen
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Steve Rasmussen CV 2018.pdf
Instructor First Name: Bernie
Instructor Last Name: Ruffenach
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Bernie Ruffenach Curriculum Vitae.docx
Instructor First Name: Ken
Instructor Last Name: Sellars
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Ken Sellars Curriculum Vitae updated 4-17-14.pdf
Instructor First Name: William "Bill"
Instructor Last Name: Shinn
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: CV Shinn, Bill.docx
Instructor First Name: Kevin
Instructor Last Name: Taulbee
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume: Attached
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Kevin Taulbee 030717.pdf
Instructor First Name: Jon
Instructor Last Name: Wallace
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Jon Wallace CV 2015.pdf
Instructor First Name: Scott
Instructor Last Name: Young
Instructor License #:
Instructor Resume:
Instructor Resume: e-Hazard Scott Young 041116.pdf

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